
Home Philosophy Collages Paintings Exhibitions

Art is in a sense a musical composition.  Color, shape and movement stimulate our inner feelings -- this energy takes us on an incredible journey.

To quote George Bernard Shaw: “You use works of art to see your soul.”  The passion and spontaneity in my work can provide such a pathway.

In my youth, I knew little of art and never dreamed of becoming an artist. One day, much like being hit by a bolt of lightning, I wanted to express myself with a paint brush.

Under professional painter and gallery owner Chapman Kelley’s expert direction and perseverance, I learned to seek my true way and full expression of my persona developed on canvas. My paintings have been critiqued by such accomplished artists as Hobson Pittman, Elaine DeKooning, Hiram Williams, Peter Bodnar, Ben Kamihira, Perry Nichols, James Stover and Don Taylor.  I also studied Printmaking under Don Taylor and David Newman.

I am not a movement painter – I do not pre-plan. I do not paint from pictures, slides or nature.  I work fast and passionately – spontaneous energy emerges into color and form – developing what my heart perceives. My art is my inner being – my soul.  I am the painting – one and the same. 

I can do no more than invite the viewer to share the experience.

Copyright © 2002 Carol Barth. All rights reserved.
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